hemp facebook advertisement

India Hemp Organics

The Indian Hemp product brand worked with our team to expand into the Northern-Indian market & earned a 3.37x return on ad spend after running the campaign.
The Indian Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines brand worked with our team to expand into the Northern-Indian market & earned a 3.37x return on ad spend after running the campaign.
India Hemp Organics Co.
Marketing, Facebook Ads Campaign
India Hemp Organics is a hemp products brand operating in India &their marketing campaign was part of our “Beta” program.
Their Hemp is grown locally in India & their farm is 100% organic, and located in the Himalayas, where their crops mature in a natural and pristine environment, untainted by harsh chemicals compounds, or any sort of pesticides.
India Hemp Organics (IHO) works to recreate and reimagine the way Cannabis is perceived and consumed in India. As a means of that, they have developed a wide range of Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines from the Hemp seeds and leaves, to offer people a wholesome form of nutrition and a sustainable source of medicinal healing that's holistic in nature.
Returns on Ad Spend
Increase in 
e-store footprint
hemp products
The range of products that we marketed.
hemp hemp leaf
As per our process, we started with an audit of their website and concluded that no optimization was needed at this touchpoint from UX perspective.
After meeting with the company's marketing manager - Mr. Akhil Saraf - we launched a Market Sophistication Analysis to determine the positioning of the product for running the campaigns.
It wasn’t until October 2018 that Facebook revised its rules and allowed cannabis business pages to appear in users’ search results. However, there are still a lot of rules that cannabis and cannabis-related businesses need to follow, and most of those rules are vague and up to Facebook’s interpretation.


Research showed that the best ways to position the product were:
hemp protein marketing
1) Whey alternative for Lactose intolerant people - Consuming whey causes stomach bloating & unease.
Product - IHO Protein
cannabis hemp marketing
2) Superfood that can save people & repair damage to soil & hence planet.
Product - Hemp hearts & Hemp Oil
soy alternative marketing
3) Soy protein alternative - Most soy is GMO & hence harmful to health.
Product - Hemp hearts & Hemp Oil
4) General health supplement for both male & female
cannabis marketing
After testing these ad sets over a 3 week period, we found promising results with the first and second set of ad angles and began scaling these sets.
To further increase conversions, a retargeting campaign was also run along with the main campaign.
One targeted people who were interested in Hemp Hearts & Hemp Oil.
hemp marketing retargeting ad
Other one targeted people interested in Hemp Protein.
hemp seed marketing
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